About Us


Birthday: 31 May

Roger has retired as a teacher of Religious Education and school Chaplain at the Duke Of York's Royal Military School, Dover. Now he enjoys those "little projects" around the house and garden.

Last updated: 22/12/2010 at 11:25


Birthday: 09 June

Barbara was a teacher of Mathematics, housemistress of Marlborough House and assistant chaplain at the Duke Of York's Royal Military School, Dover until they became an academy and decided that experienced staff aren't required.

Now she enjoys free time with the family and the occasional supply work.

Last updated: 22/12/2010 at 11:26


Birthday: 27 February

Andrew works for the Highways Agency and lives in Ashford with his wife Sophie and daughter Ruby.

Andrew has continued with his musical interests as a mobile DJ and volunteers as a presenter & producer at his local hospital radio AHBS which is soon to become a community station.

Andrew completed his 4th London to Brighton cycle ride in June 2004 raising money for the British Heart Foundation.

Last updated: 12/01/2017 at 20:40


Birthday: 07 May

Rebecca completed her 2 years studying for her A-levels at the Dover Girls Grammar School. Rebecca is getting ready to train as a Primary school teacher.

GCSE results:
Business & Economics: C
French: A
Mathematics: B
Science: BB
English: B
English Literature: B
Geography: B
Food Technology: B
Information Technology: C
History: C

Finally, I would just like to say a big thank you for Andrew for not putting that ever so remember able picture of me from holiday on the internet, you know what I'm talking about, the one where I'm climbing down a staircase backwards!

"Love can turn to hate,
Early can soon be late,
Just remember it's true,
So don't be so blue,
I will be there no matter the wait.
(Sorry bout that, I sometimes get a bit carried away!)

Last updated: 22/12/2010 at 11:24


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